Friday, March 26, 2010

Cherry Tree Block

Ah, such a pretty Spring this year.  Just finished the first block from the Beyond the Cherry Trees quilt.  Changed the pattern a bit, and I like it, but think it lacks the whimsy of the original.  But isn't that what makes quilting fun - its a creative ride all the way. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Great Grandmother's Rose

My great grandmother owned this quilt, and I am lucky to still have it. I shudder to think I once thought about cutting it up to make quilted bunnies (horrors!)  I decided to try to reproduce a block. Think I will use the block in a crib sized quilt instead. Its fun to feel the connection with my great grandmother when I see her quilt and wonder about the history behind it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Basket Stitchery Quilt

This quilt (A Tisket, A Tasket by Cotton Pickin' Designs) was started a few years back, and just needs to be hand quilted.  There is no time like the present, and if one block gets done every day (or week) it will be done and ready for my wall by summer!  Doing big stitch with perle cotton, number 12 thread.  What are you working on to get ready for warm summer days?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cherry Basket Block

Finished a cherry tree block for a friend this morning. Spring is bursting forth in the backyard, and soon the real cherry tree will be blooming. Hope for bowls of cherries this year, with plenty to share with the birds, of course.